Wednesday, June 26, 2024
person s holds brown gift box

5 Tech-Savvy Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for the One You Love

Valentine's Day is the perfect opportunity to show your loved one how much you care, and what better way to do that than with a tech gift that they'll...

Imagine a World Where You Can Hear Clearly in a Crowded Room

Imagine being able to hear your friend clearly through a crowded restaurant — or being able to translate anyone’s spoken language in real time. These are just two possibilities...

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OpenAI says GPT-5 will have ‘PHD – Level’ Intelligence.

Introduction to GPT-5 In a groundbreaking announcement, OpenAI has revealed that its upcoming language model, GPT-5, will possess 'PhD-level' intelligence. This advancement marks a significant...

Microsoft’s Copilot is now on Telegram

Microsoft has made a significant move by integrating its AI-powered assistant, Copilot, into Telegram, one of the world’s most popular messaging apps. This integration...

Elon Musk’s Multi-venture Updates: YouTube as a Direct Communication Channel

Elon Musk has a multifaceted relationship with YouTube, characterized by his engagement with the platform for various purposes related to his companies, personal brand,...