Thursday, June 27, 2024
Home HARDWARE Buyer’s Guide

Buyer’s Guide

Buying a new gadget can be a challenge. Our Buyer’s Guides provide you with the information and tools to choose the right products for your needs

What Every Student Should Know When Buying A Budget Laptop.

Buying a laptop as a student is usually a very stressful experience. You don’t want to invest too much money in it, but you need something that can handle...

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OpenAI says GPT-5 will have ‘PHD – Level’ Intelligence.

Introduction to GPT-5 In a groundbreaking announcement, OpenAI has revealed that its upcoming language model, GPT-5, will possess 'PhD-level' intelligence. This advancement marks a significant...

Microsoft’s Copilot is now on Telegram

Microsoft has made a significant move by integrating its AI-powered assistant, Copilot, into Telegram, one of the world’s most popular messaging apps. This integration...

Elon Musk’s Multi-venture Updates: YouTube as a Direct Communication Channel

Elon Musk has a multifaceted relationship with YouTube, characterized by his engagement with the platform for various purposes related to his companies, personal brand,...